Bee-tastic Pollinators

Bzz Bzz Bees

- Construction paper (Black, Yellow, White, Pink)
- Hole puncher (Optional)
- Black marker
- Pencil
- Toilet paper tube
- Scissors
- Glue
- Black pipe cleaner

Step 1: Make the bee's abdomen

Cut out black and yellow stripes as pictured above. These will become the body of the bee.

You can now glue this to the toilet paper tube!

Step 2: Make bee details

Draw and cut out two dome shaped pieces of white paper as pictured. These will become the wings of the bee. 
Add them to the rest of the body!
Now lets make the eyes and cheeks of the bee! LETS ADD SOME CHARACTER:) 

Use the hole puncher to cut out 2 white circles and 2 black circles. You can use the black construction paper to make pupils or use a black marker to draw them in!

At this point your bee should look similar to this!

Step 3: Make the antenna of the bee

Use the pipe cleaner and cut it to a desired length to create 2 antennas.
Curl them to look like ones of a bee!

Glue glue and more glue!

Now that you have created your bee-tastic creation, we hope you enjoy playing with your new friend!


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